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Why You May Need To Hire A COVID-19 FMLA Lawyer

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Most employers are required by law to provide FMLA insurance for their employees. FMLA insurance is available for an employee who needs a leave due to a personal medical issue or due to a medical issue of a spouse or other family member. This insurance will even cover people who need a leave of absence due to COVID-19 health issues. If you need to care for a family member or take a leave for yourself because of COVID-19, there may be a couple of reasons you need to consult with a COVID-19 FMLA lawyer.

Your Employer Doesn't Have or Honor FMLA Insurance Needs

While not all companies are required to provide FMLA, companies that have a lot of employees are required. If you have been with your company for at least a year, and your company meets the minimum employee requirement for FMLA coverage, then they should provide the coverage for you if you or a loved one you care for has COVID-19.  If you haven't been able to secure FMLA or were unduly denied, a COVID-19 FMLA lawyer can prepare a demand letter to your company that FMLA is provided outlining the federal law requirements that apply to your medical situation. If that doesn't work, then a lawyer can file a lawsuit to help you get FMLA and get paid for any insurance benefits you may have been denied. 

Your Employer Hires Someone to Permanently Replace You

Another reason you may need the help of a lawyer is if your employer provides you a leave of absence through FMLA, but doesn't give you your job back once that leave is over. While it's fine for a company to hire a temporary replacement or to put another employee in your place to cover your duties, it is required by law that your position be there upon your return. Your lawyer will be able to negotiate your return or file a lawsuit in court for your position. If you have lost income due to not being able to return for work, then your lawyer can demand that the company pay for any lost wages as well. 

Another way your FMLA lawyer can help you is to ensure you get all of the medical care you need if you are sick with the COVID-19. They can help you fight the insurance company if you are unable to get the full coverage you need in order to get well. A good lawyer during a health crisis will protect not only your rights but ensure you are properly cared for from a medical standpoint. 

